Monday, November 13, 2006

Israel gods people

Moshe Dayan Jewish soldier on the day the UN voted to establish a Jewish State, November 1947

I felt in my bones the victory of Judaism , which for 2 thousand years of exile from the land of Israel had withstood persecutions, the Spanish Inquisition, Pogroms, anti-Jewish decrees, restrictions, and the mass slaughter by the Nazis in our own generation, and had reached the fulfillment of its age-old yearning – the return to a free and independent Zion

We were happy that night, and we danced, and our hearts went out to every Nation whose UN representatives had voted in favor of the resolution. We heard them utter the magic word β€œyes” as we followed their voices over the airways from thousands of miles away. We danced- but we knew that ahead lay the battlefield.

'Shalom, haver' – Peace my friend


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